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Sleep medicine is a branch of medicine dedicated to the study of sleep, sleep disorders, their treatment and their impact on human health.
Doctor Alexander Melnikov specialises in sleep disorders:
- Various types of insomnia
- Sleep and wakefulness disorders when changing time zones
- Sleep disorders in shift workers
- Sleep disorders due to stress and depression;
- Narcolepsy, hypersomnia
- Breathing disorders during sleep (snoring, obstructive breathing, apnoea)
- Bruxism, nightmares and terrors, involuntary sleep movements, somnambulism, enuresis, sleep-wake cycle disorders, substance use disorders
- Specifics of sleep in different age groups, the influence of circadian rhythms on sleep, sleep hygiene, etc.
Doctor Alexander Melnikov is a graduate of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. After graduation he worked as a cardiologist in the coronary surgery department of the Institute of Transplantology in the cardiology department of the First City Hospital in Moscow and in the Moscow City Cardiology Dispensary.
Doctor Alexander Melnikov is a certified doctor-somnologist of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), member of the ESRS, Executive Secretary of the Russian Society of Somnologists for 7 years, head of the department of somnology at the National Medical Research Center of FMBA of Russia.
His scientific and practical interests include sleep disorders, sleep breathing disorders (including snoring, chronic insomnia, dependence on sleeping pills). Alexander is one of the authors of the ROS clinical guidelines on obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and insomnia. He has attended numerous Russian and international conferences and congresses on somnology, and is the author of publications in European and Russian journals. Presenter of several seminars to train professionals in cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia.
Currently Alexander Melnikov is a Somnologist residing in Haifa, Israel and provides ONLINE CONSULTATIONS.